Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Better Light Bulb

Reading one of my favorite blogs - The - I found out that there is a new light bulb. Hmmm... I wonder if that is like a "better mousetrap?" Fortunately, one of my wife's brothers is a electronic genius and I have been made aware of LED technology for some time. I even have a flashlight that uses this new technology and see taillights on cars using them. Now we can use them in our home. Yes, I am talking about LED lights.

Ok, Why use them? Because a well designed LED will use over ninety percent less watts to generate the same amount of light than the old incandescent light bulb. This savings is really staggering and will have a great impact on the amount of electricity that we use. Guess what - less natural resources will be needed to to generate electricity. The new light bulb also does not generate heat. It is made in either 12 volts DC or 120 to 240 volts AC. Another advantage of these lights are for those who are interested in / or using solar lighting systems.

I would think that no matter the cost of the bulbs they will definitely save money by using less electricity. Will your builder use them - I don't know. Can we adapt them to our old homes - I hope so.

I just learned about them and I know I will be doing some research on them for my own use and I will blog about them more later on.

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